Friday, February 26, 2010

Looking for something to do this weekend?

Come to the Knox Festival - activities at Ferntree Gully Library

Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th February

Ferntree Gully Library is the place to be at the Knox Festival with the following great activities. Also on both days from 11am-1pm I will be at the library demonstrating the online resources and website to anyone interested.

Both days
  • Make a sand mandala, or create a sculpture with the Tashi Lhumpo monks
  • Have your face painted
  • Learn your Chinese Destiny with Letina Wong-Russell
  • Create a cartoon with artist Bradfield Dumpleton
  • Decorate some Artrageous art
  • View the My Place houses
  • See the I.D Secondary Schools T-shirt Project
  • Wifi and Internet Café

1pm - Launch of Memories Volume 2
memoirs of local identities

1:30-2pm - Memories of Upper Ferntree Gully
Locals share their stories

2-3:45pm - The Living Library
Make an appointment to borrow a ‘living book’.  Share in the experiences of people who now call Australia home. Bookings 9294 8140


1pm - Boyz Rule Girlz Rock – Meet Phil Kettle
Phil Kettle is the author of some of Australia's most popular children's series, Toocool, Boyz Rule and Girlz Rock. His books appear regularly on booklists such as the Premier's Reading Challenge. Phil is the host of the new children's DVD series Kidz Book Club. Come and meet Phil at the Knox Festival.

2-3:45pm The Living Library
Make an appointment to borrow a ‘living book’.  Share in the experiences of people who now call Australia home   Bookings 9294 8140

Ferntree Gully Library
Address: 1010 Burwood Hwy, Ferntree Gully, 3156.
Melways Ref: 74 B5
Parking is at St Joseph's Regional College in Brenock Park Drive, Ferntree Gully

Cheers, Maryanne
aka webgurl

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Building your financial independence

Rowville Library, together with SIFE Monash, are hosting a series of workshops specifically aimed at equipping women with financial literacy skills. These workshops are free of charge and incorporate theory as well as hands on activities and practical help. Please refer to brochure for registration and further information. You do need to book in for the entire course.

When: Thursday 6-8pm
Week 1 4th March - Budgeting and saving
Week 2 11th March - Financing and loans
Week 3 18th March - Insuring your future
Week 4 25th March - Turning your hobby into a business
Week 5 8th April - Accounting and management
Week 6 15th April - Profit and Efficiency

Where: Rowville Library, Stud Park Shopping Centre, Stud Road, Rowville
Cost: Free event
Bookings essential phone 92941300

Cheers, Maryanne

Heirloom vegetables for the home garden

Graeme George from Earthcare Permaculture, will talk about the advantages of growing tradition heirloom vegatables in the home garden, rather than the hybrid commercial varieties. These are the hardy, tasty varieties that have stood the test of time, that are still around because home gardeners prefer to grow them.  Varieties suitable for our cool temperate climate will be emphasised. There will also be seeds available for purchase.

When: Thursday 4th March 1:30pm
Where: Healesville Library, 231 Maroondah Highway, Healesville
Cost: Free event
Bookings essential phone 59624423

Cheers, Maryanne

Monster book sale

Take the opportunity to bag a bargain at Eastern Regional Libraries' monster sale.

Ex-library and donated fiction, non-fiction and children’s books at bargain prices. 

All proceeds from the sale will go back into the purchase of new library books. Be sure to bring plenty of bags to carry your bargains or buy a library bag on the day.

When: Saturday 13th March 10am-3pm
Where: Croydon Library, Civic Square, Croydon
Enquiries phone 92945640

Cheers, Maryanne

Colouring competition - Yarra Junction crankup

I'm getting in early with the announcement of Yarra Junction's big colouring competition because the library is closed during March for renovation.

Age groups: 3-6 years, 7-9 years & 10-13 years
Entry forms available: From Yarra Junction Library or the Valley Mobile Library.
Return: Entry forms may be returned to Yarra Junction Library by Friday 9th April (can be put in return bin).

Winners will be announced at the Historical Museum on Saturday 10th April 11:30am

A big thank-you to local sponsors for the prizes.

Cheers, Maryanne

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ranges Mobile tomorrow

A further update on the Ranges Mobile - it will not be operating tomorrow Wednesday 17th February due to rostering difficulties. Apologies for any inconvenience. If you are unable to return items to another branch or renew online please contact us via the website.

Cheers, Maryanne

Ranges Mobile

Due to rostering difficulties, the Ranges Mobile will not be at Macclesfield today. Apologies for an inconvenience. You may return items to any of our branches and mobiles or renew via our web catalogue.

Cheers, Maryanne

Monday, February 15, 2010

Jills Thrifty Kitchen

Tempt your tastebuds...come and join one of our favourite presenters, Jill Hess for an afternoon of inspirational cooking ideas using cheap & nutritious ingredients.

Learn the art of transforming leftovers and reacquaint yourselves with some great old fashioned tricks and pleasures from the kitchen.

Food tastings & tea & coffee provided.

When: Tuesday 2nd March 2pm 
Where: Mooroolbark Library 7 Station Street Mooroolbark
Cost: $5 per person
Bookings essential phone 97268200

Cheers, Maryanne

A Taste of... Sheree Marris

Sheree is one of Australia’s youngest environmental ambassadors and born communicator, she is a public speaker, a radio co-host with the ABC, has numerous television appearances, writes, presents and produces documentaries and commercials. Sheree is an award-winning author, her book KamaSEAtra – Secrets of Sex in the Sea, is a testament to her unique and quirky style.

When: Monday 1st March 12noon-1:30pm
Where: Montrose Town Centre, 935 Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd, Montrose Melways 52 D7
Cost: $15
Bookings essential phone 97619133 (Montrose Town Centre)

Cheers, Maryanne

Ephermeral collection

Due to the introduction of RFID Eastern Regional Libraries will no longer be having ephemeral collections. The ephemeral collections have included impermanent materials such as magazines, jigsaws and donated paperbacks.

Mills and Boon
The great news for Mills and Boon fans is that these paperback titles will be added to the catalogue with author and titles, barcoded and tagged. They will be floating and have a Home location of paperback so they'll move from branch to branch as they are returned. However you will be able to place holds on them and work your way through the series.

Jigsaws will have one catalogue record to which all jigsaws will be added and each barcoded and tagged. They will be floating and have a Home location of jigsaw. Therefore they will move from branch to branch as they are returned

Coffee table magazines
Occasionally the library receives extra magazines which have previously been treated as ephemeral items. There will generally be no coffee table magazine collections.  Some branches may decide to keep the coffee table magazine collection in a tub however they will not be checked out onto members library cards.

Once these items start becoming barcoded they will become a 4-week loan and incur fines if returned late.

The process should be happening over the next couple of months.

Margaret Hall & Maryanne

Knox Festival Living Library

Everyone has a story to tell and the Living Library allows you to ‘borrow’ a human book and have a conversation about their life stories.

Memories Volume 2
When: Saturday 27th February 1:30-2pm
Where: Ferntree Gully Library, 1010 Burwood Highway, Ferntree Gully

A Living Library of locals share memories of the migrant experience and the new home they made in post war Upper Ferntree Gully.

The Living Library
When: Saturday 27th February 2-3:45pm
Where: Ferntree Gully Library, 1010 Burwood Highway, Ferntree Gully

Make an appointment to borrow a ‘living book’.  Share in the experiences of people who now call Australia home. Countries represented are Afghanistan, Germany and Sudan.

The Living Library Part 2
When: Sunday 28th February 2-3:45pm
Where: Ferntree Gully Library, 1010 Burwood Highway, Ferntree Gully

Another chance to hear from fellow Australians with a special story to tell.
Countries represented will be Hungary, Iran and Sri Lanka. For children there will be a special chance to find out about an Iranian childhood.

Book a conversation at any session on 9294 8140 or visit the Festival and make a booking.

Cheers, Maryanne

Yarra Junction Library closed for refurbishment

Yarra Junction Library will close for refurbishment from Monday 1st March. The Library will re-open on Tuesday 6th April at 10am.

Library services will be available via the the Ranges Mobile Library at the rear of Yarra Junction library on the following days:

Monday 1st, 15th, 22nd, 29th March

The bookchute will remain open. You may also return items to any other branch of Eastern Regional Libraries.
Cheers, Maryanne

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Knox Festival

Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th February

Ferntree Gully Library is the place to be at the Knox Festival with the following great activities. Also on both days from 11am-1pm I will be at the library demonstrating the online resources and website to anyone interested.

Both days
  • Make a sand mandala, or create a sculpture with the Tashi Lhumpo monks
  • Have your face painted
  • Learn your Chinese Destiny with Letina Wong-Russell
  • Create a cartoon with artist Bradfield Dumpleton
  • Decorate some Artrageous art
  • View the My Place houses
  • See the I.D Secondary Schools T-shirt Project
  • Wifi and Internet Café

1pm - Launch of Memories Volume 2
memoirs of local identities

1:30-2pm - Memories of Upper Ferntree Gully
Locals share their stories

2-3:45pm - The Living Library
Make an appointment to borrow a ‘living book’.  Share in the experiences of people who now call Australia home. Bookings 9294 8140


1pm - Boyz Rule Girlz Rock – Meet Phil Kettle
Phil Kettle is the author of some of Australia's most popular children's series, Toocool, Boyz Rule and Girlz Rock. His books appear regularly on booklists such as the Premier's Reading Challenge. Phil is the host of the new children's DVD series Kidz Book Club. Come and meet Phil at the Knox Festival.

2-3:45pm The Living Library
Make an appointment to borrow a ‘living book’.  Share in the experiences of people who now call Australia home   Bookings 9294 8140

Ferntree Gully Library
Address: 1010 Burwood Hwy, Ferntree Gully, 3156.
Melways Ref: 74 B5
Parking is at St Joseph's Regional College in Brenock Park Drive, Ferntree Gully

Cheers, Maryanne
aka webgurl

No mobile service to Seville on Thursday

Due to a community event and expected traffic difficulties, the Valley Mobile will not be at Seville on Thursday 11th February 2010 3-5pm (Warburton Hwy. Seville next to the main community hall Mel ref 119 J11). Services will return as timetabled the following week.

Cheers, Maryanne

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Eastern Regional Library Show 4th February 2010

Library staff members Lesley Conway and Pia Butcher run a radio show each Wednesday 12:05pm-12:45pm on Eastern FM 98.1 called The Eastern Regional Library Show. Tune in tomorrow for a great show

On last Wednesday's show

Lyn Baines reviewed three informative and readable new histories today. The great silence by Juliet Nicolson deals with the years immediately after World War I in Britain, when the impact of the loss of millions of young men, of the huge economic costs of war, and the changing roles of women led to major social upheavel. It is in many ways a grim period, little reflected on, as the swift development of the dazzling Roaring Twenties have overshadowed it in people's recollections. It is a fascinating time though, seeing social changes which still resonate today. The author has also taken the stories of individuals whom she wrote about in The perfect summer : dancing into shadow, England in 1911 and revisited them in this period.
Conquest : the English kingdom of France 1417-1450 by Juliet Barker is about another historic period which is comparatively unknown. Lyn decided this was a gap she neede to fill, and found the personalities and intrigues of the French and English courts to be fascinating. This is the period which saw Joan of Arc rally the irresolute French monarchy to try and oust the English from France for good, only for all her efforts to be wasted and lost. Essentially it was the lack of ambition of the English monarch which eventually  saw the end of England in France. A history which tells the story from the perspective of all levels of society, and makes engrossing reading.

Finally, Elizabeth's women by Tracy Borman brings us the life of Elizabeth I through the women who were important to her in her life, from her half-sister Mary and various step-mothers, to the cousins who plotted (or were pawns in plots) to oust her, and her many loyal maids-in-waiting. Not the political story as such, but a much more intimate and human view of the woman.

---- Lesley

Eastern Regional Library Show 20th Jan & 27th Jan 2010

Library staff members Lesley Conway and Pia Butcher run a radio show each Wednesday 12:05pm-12:45pm on Eastern FM 98.1 called The Eastern Regional Library Show. Tune in next Wednesday for a great show.

On 20th January's show 

Exciting discoveries in Family History can come when you least expect them. Just for interest sake I did a Google search for one of my great great grandgathers "Richard James Quinnell". Not only did I find records produced on, but also record of his registration as a doctor in Victoria in 1892, and deregistration at  his death in 1902. The important thing in doing a search like this is to enclose the name you are searching for in quotation marks, "Richard James Quinnell" so that you get exactly the person you are looking for. I also found this ancestor's will available via a link from ERL's Family History page,which took me to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Wills lodged up to 1925 have been scanned and are freely available. After this date, you will need to order the documents you are interested in.

Book Chat groups will be underway again from February, so check out if there is one at a convenient time and library for you. These groups meet monthly, are informal, and a great way to share thoughts on what you are reading, and be given new ideas for your next book. Lilydale Library's Chataboutabook club meets on the third Wednesday of the month, and as a part of our world trip through literature, have been reading about India and Asia over the last month. Some books I can recommend are, A passage through India by Saili and Gill which is a beautifully produced travel and photography book of the sub-continent; Stranger to history : a son's journey through Islamic lands by Aatish Taseer, a highly readable and enlightening book of a young man's journey through the Middle East in an attempt to understand Islamic culture and values; and Great voyages of the world
which includes stories of travel down the Ganges, Rhine and Yellow rivers, around the coast of Britain, through the fjords of Norway, by lake and canal from St Petersberg to Moscow, and much more. Enough to give anyone itchy feet.

Music today was from Noel Coward.

On Wednesday 27th January's show

Some great fantasy teenage novels which have recently arrived were reviewed by Pia today. Crowded Shadows by Celine Kiernan is the gripping sequel to Poison Throne. Alone for the first time in her life, Wynter travels unprotected in bandit-infested mountains searching for missing Prince Alberon. But every tyrant and bully who ever threatened the kindgom is gathering to Alberon's table, and the forest is alive with spies and wolves. In Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George  there is a reimagining of the fairy tale of the Twelve dancing princesses. Rose is the eldest of 12 sisters condemned to dance each night for the wicked King Under Stone deep in his palace. It is a curse that has haunted the girls since their birth - and only death will set them free. The Rose meets Galen, a young soldier turned gardener with an eye for adventure and a resolve that matches her own. Suddenly freedom begins to seems a little less impossible.

A new addition to the teenage graphic novel collection is Calamity Jack by Shannon and Dean Hale and is a sequel to Rapunzel's revenge. Jack thinks of himself as a criminal mastermind, with an unfortunate amount of bad luck...then one day  Jack chooses a target a little more gigantic than the usual, and as a small bean turns into a great big building-destroying beanstalk his troubles really begin.

For our junior readers, a couple of new novels are A birthday in the life of Ozzie Kingsford by Val Bird, and Snake and Lizard by Joy Cowley. In the first, Ozzie Kingsford is celebrating his 11th birthday with his mate Fletch and his family. They are heading off to Cracker Beach for the day, will things go according to plan? And in the second, Snake and Lizard share a house and a friendship that is sometimes as rocky as the desert they live in. With a little patience, wisdom and much tolerance their friendship survives their essential differences.

A new junior graphic novel is Captain Congo and the Maharaja's monkey by Ruth Starke.  When the Maharaja of Bekar dies suddenly and mysteriously, Captain Congo and his loyal offsider Pug set off for India to investigate. They arrive in Rajputana to find the royal palace teeming with intrigue. Even as preparations begin for young Prince Beki to be annointed as the Maharaja, it is clear that powerful enemies are scheming against him. Whille Pug goes deep under cover, Captain Congo races agaisnt time to unravel a dastardly plot.
Finally, the wonderful Alison Lester has produced another lovely picture book, Running with the horses.  A tale of the dancing White Stallions of Vienna and their escape during World War II. A young girl's faith in an extraordinary old horse makes this an unforgettable story of courage, adventure and friendship. Nina and her father run from Vienna with some of the precious stallions to elude the advancing German army.


RFID is coming to Eastern Regional Libraries

Eastern Regional Libraries is introducing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to help manage our library resources. RFID technology uses radio signals and tags to track and monitor items intsead of scanning barcodes. It will be a new and faster way of borrowing your items.

We are currently tagging all of our stock. We have started with Rowville and Boronia branches and it is going quite swiftly.

How will it affect me?
Library members will use a Self Check Station to check out their own items. Multiple items can be checked out a the one time. 

Will I still be able to ask a staff member to check out my items?
Library staff will be there to assist you and will be on hand to guide you through the steps as you learn the new system. There will also be a written guide at every station. I'm looking to create a video tutorial to upload to the website that will take you through the steps.

How do I know that I've checked out my items correctly?
The self check screen will alert you if any items have not been checked out successfully and a tranbsaction slip will be printed listing all items you have borrowed.

Do all items go through this machine?
Yes, all items available for loanb are issued using the Self Check Station.

What if I don't have my library card?
All library customers will need a valid library card to be able to borrow.

What will staff do if they're not checking out items?
Library staff will have more time to devote to helping customers

I'll be keeping you apprised as we work through the introduction of RFID this year. If you have any questions about RFID, please ask via our contact form on the library website.

Cheers, Maryanne

Friday, February 05, 2010

New computer desk at Belgrave

Next week we're getting a big new computer desk installed at Belgrave. Therefore the public Internet PCs will not be available from 3PM on Wednesday 10th February as we pack up the PCs out of the way until the job is completed.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Cheers, Maryanne

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Green Foot Flicks Youth Film Festival

Are you or someone you know aged between 10 & 25 years and are interested in making films? Then enter your short film into the Green Foot Flicks Youth Film Festival. Films need to be under 10mins in length and be of G or PG rating but can be in any genre! Closing date for entries is Wednesday 3rd March 2010. Green Foot Flicks application form. For more information, contact Kate Arnott (Knox Youth Services, Knox City Council) on 9298 8868 or 0400 097 506

Prizes: 1st prized valued at $250, 2nd at $150, 3rd at $100

Films will be screened at the Green Flicks Youth Film Festival on Thursday 15th April during National Youth Week.

Cheers, Maryanne

Staff recommend....

You've probably noticed the book cover in the sidebar on the right announcing staff recommendations. Our staff have been busy reading during the summer holidays and I've found this neat social network, a bit like Library Thing, called Listal. You can create your own catalogue of books, DVDs, CDs, then create interesting lists to share with the world & create widgets for your blog or website. I've gone with the standard book, DVD & CD recommendations (see webgurl's listal profile), however others have gotten creative and made lists of the 2010 Oscar nominations or banned/censored books. To advance to see the next book just click on the + sign, however the slideshow will advance on its own as well.

The book covers link to the Listal list, however I've moved the catalogue search box to be just under the cover so you can easily search for the titles.

I'm just deciding where to put the DVD & CD recommendation lists so you should see those appearing soon.

What do you think? Useful?

Cheers, Maryanne

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Attention photographic enthusiasts

Come along and have a chat with Adrian from the Maroondah Photographic Society about photography, care of photos and cameras, digital vs film and a range of other topics.

When: Wednesday 24th February 7pm
Where: Croydon Library, Civic Square, Croydon
Cost: Free event
Bookings essential phone 92945640

Cheers, Maryanne

Boronia Cookery Club - For the Love of Food with Allan Campion

Allan Campion is one of Melbourne’s foremost ‘foodies’. Allan is the co-author of a number of books, including In the Kitchen and the invaluable annual Foodies Diary and Foodies Guide to Melbourne. Allan’s Melbourne tours are a must do for food lovers. Take this chance to meet a sought after writer, chef and tour guide.

When: Wednesday 24the February 7pm
Where: Boronia Library, Park Cres, Boronia
Cost: Free event
Bookings essential phone 97624099

Cheers, Maryanne

Monday, February 01, 2010

Mooroolbark Growers and Weeders - Succulents for your garden

Author of eight books specialising in succulent plants, Attila Kapitany the plant man extraordinaire, will be at Mooroolbark Library to talk about waterwise plants for your garden.

Attila has travelled to the deserts and remote environs of the U.S.A., Mexico, Brazil, Argentina & Chile to research a wide range of plants and is a wonderful speaker.

All welcome to our first meeting for 2010 for our Growers & Weeders.

When: Wednesday 24th February 2pm
Where: Mooroolbark Library, 7 Station Street, Mooroolbark
Cost: Free event
Bookings essential phone 97268200

Cheers, Maryanne