Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Eastern Regional Library Show 21st September 2011

Library staff members Lyn Baines, Jessica Bonner and Pia Butcher run a radio show each Wednesday 12:05pm-12:45pm on Eastern FM 98.1 called The Eastern Regional Library Show. Tune in next week for a great show.

On Wednesday's show
This week, Jessica brought a steampunk theme to Eastern FM. We discussed what the steampunk genre was about and where it's title came from (steampunk being french for "futur a vapeur", meaning future with steam).

Steampunk is a sub-genre of the fantasy and science-fiction branches that centres on work in an era or world where steampower is the main source of energy. Typically set in a 19th century Victorian England style, steampunk features futuristic technologies within an antique setting (for example; think of H.G. Wells Time Machine).

Books featured on review included:
Dreadnought by Cherie Priest
Steampunk edited by Ann & Jeff Vandermeer (this is an anthology of short stories, ideal for getting a quick taste of the steampunk genre)
The Difference Engine by William Gibson & Bruce Sterling
The Steampunk Bible by Jeff Vandermeer - this is a fantastic illustrated and photographic guide of art, jewellery, literature and anything and everything steampunk. An essential read for anyone who is interested in finding out more about the steampunk culture.

Movies featured on review included:
Howl's Moving Castle 
The Mysterious Geographic Expeditions of Jasper Morello (a must watch!)

For a list of the best steampunk reads - check out the Steampunk Scholar, a great resource on steampunk literature, all with titles available at Eastern Regional Libraries.


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