Friday, August 29, 2014

Catalogue searches now include variant titles

The catalogue was updated today to allow for easier searching for items with variant titles, for example House & Garden as well as House and Garden.

With this addition we won't be able to add ERL to the title search for magazines anymore. However you can easily search for the ERL titles by selecting Eastern Regional Libraries from the first drop-down menu. If you are searching from the website, type the title in the search box and once you reach the results make sure Eastern Regional Libraries is selected in the first drop down menu and click search again.

UPDATE 5th September: Changes have been made to allow members to add erl to searches for magazine titles to retrieve the records belonging to our libraries.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Overdrive adds maturity & cover image filters

Those members who wish to filter out junior or erotic titles when searching Overdrive eLibrary will love the new enhancement Overdrive have added.

Login to Overdrive and view Settings. Maturity levels include Juvenile, Young Adult, General Adult & Mature Adult.

Overdrive settings

You can also choose if you want mature adult covers displayed. If you select 'No', mature adult cover images will be replaced with a plain cover.

If you're a speedy reader you can adjust the default loan period to 7 or 14 days instead of the usual 21 days.

The maturity level and cover image settings will only apply when you are logged into the Overdrive eLibrary.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

'Digital Literacy' - discover and use tools for the digital age

'Digital Literacy' is an online resource that has been created with the sole purpose of giving people, especially teenagers, the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively navigate the digital world. Learn how to protect yourself from cyberbullying and to avoid predators online; find out about digital ethics and what your digital footprint reveals about you; you can also find out about jobs in the digital age and where to go looking for them.

Just go to the link above and then click on "Library Card Login" - you'll need to type in the number beginning 20023 on your card to access this incredibly useful and relevant resource.

Busy Projects - latest 'Wonderful Thing' to be added to our list of Online Resources

The latest 'Wonderful Thing' to be added to the smorgasbord of Online Resources our members can access from home is "Busy Projects" which comes to you courtesy of the very creative folks at 'busythings'. With "Busy Projects" you are given a number of picture templates that you can colour in, write on and then print out at home. Make your own Father's Day card, design your own super hero, colour in your own Aboriginal dot painting.... the choice is yours. There are over 50 different projects you can complete so there is no reason for the kids to say they are bored these coming school holidays.


Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Enterprise catalogue now has automated PIN reset 24/7

PINs are used in conjunction with the library card as a secure way of logging into your account on the library catalogue.

Previously if you've forgotten your PIN, you've had to fill out a form and wait until the next work day. With the recent Enterprise upgrade we can now offer automated PIN reset 24/7. Click the image below to enlarge.

To reset your PIN:
  1. Visit the library catalogue.
  2. Click the Log In link at the top right. A pop-up box will appear
  3. Click the Forgot my PIN link on the pop-up box.
  4. Enter your full library card number at the prompt (starts 20023).
  5. IF you have an email address attached to your library record, an email will be sent to that address.
  6. Click the Reset my PIN link in the reset PIN email you receive.
  7. At the prompt, choose a new PIN
PINs need to:
  • Be between 4 - 10 characters in the interest of your security.
  • Have no spaces or use any special characters e.g. ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + _ .
  • Be either alphabetical (all letters), numerical (all numbers) or alpha-numeric (a mix of letters and numbers).
They can be upper or lowercase. It is not case sensitive, you can type in either case regardless of what was set up at the library.